For Serbs, it is generally said that they are people who like guests, are great hosts and like to leave a good impression, whether strangers come to Serbia, or we are visiting a different country.
Traveling through Serbia, we often meet kind people and always return with nice impressions, the arrival in Mali Zvornik is something special, different.
Here, people are more than kind, more than welcoming. They live peacefully, not fast, they are tolerant and stand firm on the ground.
Although it is one of the youngest and smallest municipalities in Serbia, Mali Zvornik definitely has a big heart.

At the last 2011 census in Mali Zvornik, a picturesque place on the bank of Drina river, there were 4,407 people.
Mali Zvornik runs along the Belgrade – Bajina Basta road. The railway line from Sabac ends here.
The relaxing atmosphere that rules supreme here is forgotten in many cities and towns.
The territory on which this municipality extends contains rich historical and cultural heritage, dating back to the Bronze Age.
Mali Zvornik and Veliki Zvornik are connected with two bridges, which actually connect Serbia and Republika Srpska.

The history of Mali Zvornik and its surroundings is characterized by the hasty changes that took place in the near and farther past. The first significant change of the region occurred in the first half of the 15th century, when the fortress of Đurđev grad, or Kula Grad, was built on the left bank of the Drina.
The second big change took place five centuries later, by lifting the dam on the Drina and forming the Zvornik lake. The hydroelectric power plant “Zvornik” started operating in 1955, and the village of Mali Zvornik became a city and a municipal town.
In the city center, besides state and residential buildings, beautiful stadiums for small sports were built: for volleyball, handball, mini football and basketball.
Particularly significant for the 21st century is that Mali Zvornik managed to preserve its greenery. Despite the buildings in the city center, urban planners have left enough space for parks between them.
This article is a part of the project “Seven miracles of Mali Zvornik”, supported by the Mali Zvornik Municipality. Positions of the supported media project do not necessarily reflect statements of the organ supporting the project.
(Come to Serbia)