Loznica, a town in western Serbia, is known for its many tourist attractions, great climate, spas, picnic destinations, the beautiful Drina River and many tourist facilities. The people here are very hospitable and anyone who comes to Loznica and its surroundings is sure to have a fulfilling and beautiful day.
In addition to the many attractions that tourists can visit on their own, whenever they want, Loznica has many events organised for visitors, all from different walks of life, so it is safe to say that there is something for everyone here. And some, we believe, can find everything here.
Come over with the Heart
When the first day of the new year dawns, Loznica turns into a grand carnival of happiness and joy: parents bring their children and take part in the humanitarian action “Come over with the Heart”. Children play, sing and write letters to Santa Claus, and many receive gifts.
World of women
Loznica traditionally hosts the event “World of Women”, which affirms the creation of women. There are performances, exhibitions, lectures, book promotions, movie screenings…
Actors Festival
One of the most significant cultural events in the region is the Festival of Acting, which lasts for about a week, and there famous and local theaters perform their best shows. The audience votes for their favorites every night after the performance.

Farmer candles
In the thirteenth-century monastery Tronosha, the tradition of offering special candles is maintained. Believers collect wax during fasting and on Easter Wednesday two 50-pound, 5 feet high candles are poured. The locals then bring them to the Brother Jugovic tap, from where they are taken to the Church of the Presentation of the Lord. They are after lit on Sundays and public holidays.
Flower Fair
Flower and plant lovers can enjoy their big flower fair in April at the Koviljaca Spa. It is traditionally attended by flower growers and lovers from the region, as well as throughout Serbia. Within this event, concerts and other appropriate activities are organized.
Vuk’s Student Council Trsic
In honor of the great reformer of the Serbian language and the “father of Serbian culture” Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, who is originally from Trsic near Loznica, a pupil’s parliament is held in May, where many young artists perform, and various workshops are held where children can learn different skills. Parliament members wander the streets of Loznica and host concerts, competitions and exhibitions.

Gucevo Challenger hard enduro
On the Gučevo mountain near Loznica there is a traditional enduro competition in motorcycling, held on one of the most beautiful trails in this part of Europe.
The days of Mica and Vera
Mica Popovic from Loznica was one of the greatest Serbian painters, and with his life companion, also the painter Vera Bozicovic Popovic, he deserved to have “The days of Mica and Vera”, manifestation held every year, in a permanent exhibition of their paintings.
The Royal Carnival
The most fun event on this list is probably the “Royal Carnival”, which takes place in Banja Koviljaca near Loznica. Hundreds of people from Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina regularly participate here, and they walk around a large fountain in Banja, accompanied by applause from onlookers. Every year, masks and costumes are becoming more diverse and interesting, and the mood itself stays the same – perfect.
Vidovdan Fair, Loznica
Every June 28, a large national celebration is held in Loznica – the Vidovdan Fair. Everyone here comes from the region, but also from all over Serbia and surrounding countries. People shop, have fun, enjoy themselves, listen to music and enjoy a wide variety of food and drink prepared by merchants and marketers. The most sought after commodity here is always – pork roast, often accompanied by chilled beer.
Motto rally in Lešnica
The Lešnica motorcycle rally is one of the most popular in the region, and anyone who respects wheels will not miss the chance for this gathering. The organizers provide good music and entertainment every year.

Fijakerijada (Carriage festival)
The carriage parade that takes place on the streets of Loznica is a great chance for all tradition lovers to get a closer look at these vehicles that used to be the backbone of city traffic, and today are mostly museum exhibits.
International regatta “There is only one Drina”
Every year, hundreds of boats and thousands of participants descend down the beautiful Drina River, from Mali Zvornik to Banja Koviljaca near Loznica, in one of the most famous manifestations in Serbia, the Drina Regatta called “There is only one Drina”. This joyful descent down the beautiful river is accompanied by singing, food, drink and merriment, and it is said that one who once participates in this event afterwards comes back every year.
Movie festival “Aleksandar Sasa Petrovic”
Alexander Sasha Petrovic was one of the greatest directors of his time, and his film “Feather Collectors” won many awards, the most notable being the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. A documentary and ethno film festival is held in his honor every year, in which creators from Serbia present their works.
Folklore Festival
In August each year, the International Festival of Folklorists from Serbia and other European countries such as Slovakia, Romania, Poland and Hungary is held in Loznica. Folklore workshops are also being organized in Trsic, where guests can learn about Serbian tradition.

Regional Honey Fair
Honey is one of the healthiest foods known to man, and the region where Loznica is located is especially known for producing honey, which is considered one of the best in this part of Europe. Each year, these producers present and sell their honey at the Honey Fair, held in downtown Loznica in October.
The Council of Vuk
The most important event in Loznica and the whole region, an event of national and international importance, is the Vuk’s Council, first held in 1933 in the courtyard of the house of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, a Serbian language reformer and one of the most significant figures in Serbian history. Within the Council there are thematic exhibitions, theatrical performances, concerts, literary and film nights and book promotions. The central event is held in Trsic.
Mushroom Show
In October, the Mushroom Exhibition is held in Banja Koviljaca, which gathers nature, mushroom and gastronomy lovers from all over Serbia, as well as from abroad. Participants go to the fields around Loznica and harvest up to 180 species of mushrooms, which will later be exposed as part of this event.
This text is part of the project “Seven Wonders of Loznica” and co-financed by the City of Loznica.
(Come to Serbia)