When we first entered Krupanj and asked what a tourist should see, everyone said:
– Have you been in the “Krupanj Museum ” at priest Aca’s?
Let’s meet history of Krupanj and this museum.
Radjevina in roman times, the Middle Ages, until the Great War, in the Second World War – it’s all there, collected in a museum, for all to see. Original costumes from Radjevina, which are identical in the neighboring Jadar, photographs and other exhibits related to serbian rulers, Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic dynasty, the rooms they slept in when they were in Krupanj, then the uniforms of Serbian soldiers, original documents on various events and times, but also items from those dealing with the work of the first post office in the area, items connected to the ore exploitation… These are just a part of the rich collection collected by our host: Priest Aleksandar Djurdjev, head of the Dobri Potok temple, founder of the museum in Krupanj, artist and collector of artistic and historical testimonies.
Priest Alexander says that the people of Radjevina are true admirers of this unique cultural and spiritual complex.

Is this really true historical treasure?
It’s true. Now I quote the president of the state, he thinks that this is not the museum of Krupanj, nor the Podrinje museum, but considers it to be primarily a museum of Serbia.
So, everything that stands out of the exhibits here, is not directed only to this area, to the city itself, but wider?
It is focused on local history, but it is part of the history of Serbia itself, so it can not be separated. All the wars and rebellions and everything that went through all of this is part of our history and our homeland.
Can you single out zou favorite exhibit?
Every exhibit has its story here, you can not say it now I will separate this or that. It is most important to me that this is open to the public and that many people come from all sides to see it. Believe me, we had exceptional visits here. Now we have visitors from Vienna. Priests will bring excursions, which is very important for me, because I am also a priest.
This article is a part of the project “Seven miracles of Krupanj”, supported by the Krupanj Municipality. Positions of the supported media project do not necessarily reflect statements of the organ supporting the project.
(Come to Serbia)