After a break due to restrictive measures caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the reconstruction of the Svilajnac-Markovac regional road continued.
– A complete reconstruction of the 6km Svilajnac-Markovac road is underway. The first section about 2.5km long is located on the territory of Svilajnac municipality. The value of the investment in the territory this municipality is about one million euros, while the value of the entire investment is about 2.5 million euros. Over 100 workers and thirty machines were hired to work this weekend to keep everything going as planned and to have the final layer of asphalt laid out next weekend. The works are funded by a World Bank loan through the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure – said Svilajnac Mayor Predrag Milanovic.

Road reconstruction works are being carried out by the Serbia Highway Company. In addition to paving the regional road, there is also a paving of the bridge over Velika Morava, which is located at the entrance to Svilajnac, in cooperation with PZP “Kragujevac”, which is working on the maintenance of this road.

– The Morava Bridge is a bottleneck at the entrance to Svilajnac, and this bridge was previously reconstructed, to this extent, 32 years ago when wooden boards were replaced by asphalt. Back then, the reconstruction took about 6 months. Given that, in addition to significant export brands already operating in Svilajnac, three new factories are opening this year, I think it is time for Svilajnac to get a new bypass bridge – adds Milanovic.

(Come to Serbia)