Following the pattern of the largest and well known Orthodox monastery – Ostrog Monastery – in Montenegro, Mali Ostrog was built in Mali Zvornik.
The sacred place where believers come from across this region is dedicated to Saint Vasili Ostrosky, the Miracle Worker.
The church was buried in the hill in the form of a cross, 33 meters long and 33 meters wide, rembembering the time Jesus Christ spent on Earth.

The Church of the Holy Cross was finished 14 years ago, and was coveted in the cave most likely in the period between 1932 and 1934, at the time when the secret underground city of King Alexander Karadjordjevic was built.
When entering the church, you can feel the extraordinary peace, and a special feature is that the light in it comes from nothing else but 120 candles.
In August, a dome with a bell and a cross on the top of it was installed on the church. Setting a bell on the cliff, 33 meters above the temple, lasted about 4 hours, and for that job a special crane was rented, which had been waiting for more than a month.
Upon completion of the work, the local clergy, in the presence of numerous believers, held a liturgy in front of the church, after which, with gratitude to the Lord for help, everyone congratulated each other on the successful work.

This article is a part of the project “Seven miracles of Mali Zvornik”, supported by the Mali Zvornik Municipality. Positions of the supported media project do not necessarily reflect statements of the organ supporting the project.
(Come to Serbia)