In order to popularize sports, healthy lifestyles and good habits, the Municipality of Vladimirci has organized a very interesting action: the Village Olympics.

The olympics in August
Recognizing the importance of this idea, the Sports Union of Serbia joined and supported the Olympics. It was held this year from 24 to 26 August.
The aim is to spread the idea of olympism, which affects the development of mass competition and the cultivation of good relations among people.

The organization of such a manifestation requires the cooperation of the inhabitants, which encourages team work and good relations among people. Organizers say the rural Olympic Games are a positive influence on the psychophysical health of people and children.
Ecological activities
In co-operation with the company JKP “IZVOR” Vladimirci, all students of the eighth grade of the elementary school “Zika Popovic” participated this year as members of the section in ecological activity.
Municipal Day 9 December
The organization of the cultural and artistic society “Diša Atić” and the local self-government of the municipality of Vladimirci marks the Day of the Municipality of Vladimirci on December 9

Athletics for people with disabilities
For the 3rd year in a row, the inter-municipal competition in the athletics for people with disabilities is taking place in Provo.
This year the competition was held on Friday, 03. 08. 2018, in the field of FK Provo in Provo. The competition was organized by the association of paraplegics of the Macvan district with the support of the Sports Association of the Municipality of Vladimirci.
Good news for the citizens of Vladimirci is that during the summer of this year, the new sports association “Sava – Men” in the Butchers in the Mesarci Culture Center started to work.

Fishing for floating fish in Kaona
In the Kaona Monastery in the Municipality of Vladimirci this year, a fishing boat competition for children up to 15 years old was organized at the large monastery lake.

The contests of the competition were, 1 competitor 1 stick – without the help of adults.
This article is a part of the project “Seven miracles of Vladimirci”, supported by the Vladimirci Municipality. Positions of the supported media project do not necessarily reflect statements of the organ supporting the project.
(Come to Serbia)